Two new mosaics made by adults with learning disabilities are now the centrepiece of our Head Office in West Bromwich.

Mayor of Sandwell, Councillor Julie Webb, unveiled the mosaics during a special visit on Monday 18 July.

The mosaics were made by adults from Options for Life, a voluntary organisation that supports adults with learning disabilities, promoting independent living. We are working with Options for Life to develop tailored domestic abuse awareness training for their employees.


“I believe it’s important to connect the two agendas of domestic violence and disability and we really want to show how much we value the artistry and dedication involved in this work. “I think that Options for Life do fantastic work and we want to give these mosaics the prominence they deserve.”

Sara Ward, chief executive of Sandwell Women’s Aid


“We are really pleased to be working in close partnership with Sandwell Women’s Aid and are looking forward to strengthening the joint work we do in the future.”

Alison Barrett, chief executive of Options for Life


“This is a fantastic example of voluntary sector co-operation. Both Sandwell Women’s Aid and Options for Life do very valuable work, supporting people and campaigning to raise awareness of the issues of domestic violence and adult disability learning. It’s brilliant to see the work of Options for Life being celebrated in this way and I want to add my voice to say ‘well done’ to everyone involved.”

Sandwell Council’s deputy leader Councillor Syeda Khatun, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Communities


More about Options for Life
Options for Life is a not-for-profit charitable business providing a range of innovative opportunities for people with learning disabilities. They support people with learning disabilities to live their lives to the full and advance their personal development, enabling them to enjoy the same rights and opportunities as non-disabled people. You can find out more about them by visiting their website.