Black Country Women’s Aid (BCWA) is deeply shocked by the recent riots and unrest across the UK, driven by Islamophobia, racism, and hatred. We stand in unwavering solidarity with all communities affected and made to feel unsafe and unwelcome.

We are particularly concerned about the impact of these events on vulnerable survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and modern slavery, especially Muslims, People of Colour, refugees and migrant communities. Many have fled violence and exploitation to seek safety in the UK, only to become targets of further attacks.

We categorically reject the exploitation of the tragic murders of Bebe, Elsie, and Alice in Southport on July 29th to incite hatred and violence within our communities. We echo Women’s Aid’s statement:

“Critically, we need to question why the narrative has shifted away from the murders of three young girls and violence against women and girls. We remind the government of the importance of this lens on these issues and the urgent need for action.”

For survivors: If you have appointments in our spaces and are concerned about your safety while travelling, we can offer online or phone support instead. Please contact your worker, and we will find the safest way to support you.

We are actively supporting our staff team through closing spaces where there may be action in the vicinity, and agreeing safe work spaces for our staff.

BCWA remains steadfast in our commitment to supporting women, girls, and survivors of violence and abuse, and in standing against hatred and violence.

We listen, we support, we care.