You may feel stuck and like things can’t change, or that nobody can help you, or like you don’t know what help is available to you.
It might feel difficult to accept help, especially if you have felt judged or let down in the past. We want you to know that we will believe you, that we will support you to find a safe home and rebuild your life.
You may eventually need support in managing your tenancy and managing your money, and we will ensure you have support around this. You may become ready for work or return to education, you may be ready to learn new skills to help you thrive, and we will ensure you have access to this too.
You may want your independence and become self-reliant, and The Willow Project will work with you to
make this happen.
We will believe you. We will listen to you, support you and give you time and space to decide what you want to do. We won’t judge you because of what you say or force you to make a decision you do not want to make.
We provide you with a package of support that is unique to you, and give you the information you need so that you can take your next steps.