Our Future is our brand new project, supported by funding from the Home Office Children Affected by Domestic Abuse fund. It will work with schools and colleges to support children and young people aged 5-18 who are affected by domestic abuse at home.

Our Future will support a new police operation called Encompass, which notifies schools when police have attended a domestic abuse incident at a child’s home. We will offer advice and support for both school and child to create a safe space and ensure children are supported during a very difficult time.

Living in a home where there is domestic abuse can cause trauma which lasts a lifetime. In 90% of cases, children are in the same or the next room when violence occurs. Even where children do not directly witness violence, coercive and controlling behaviour in the home can cause very serious emotional, social and even physical effects. These include anxiety, depression, behaviour problems, difficulty forming relationships, and difficulty achieving at school.

What Our Future offers

Our Future will be available to all schools and colleges across Sandwell, Dudley, Walsall and Wolverhampton, and the service offers:

  • Advice and training for schools staff on domestic abuse and supporting children, including safety planning;
  • Direct one to one support for children, aiming to help them cope, build their self-esteem, improve their safety and help them engage at school;
  • Group support to help children express their emotions and understand healthy relationships.

How schools can refer to Our Future:

When you receive a police notification about domestic abuse, or if you have concerns about a child or young person witnessing or living with domestic abuse, Our Future can help. To refer into the service, we will ask you to complete a screening tool identifying what you know about the child’s needs. Our team will then work with you to build a support package for the child.

For more information and to request a copy of the screening tool/referral form call 0121 553 0090 and ask for the Young People’s Team, or email youngpeople@blackcountrywomensaid.co.uk.


Our Future is delivered in partnership with Sandwell MBC, Walsall MBC, Dudley Safe and Sound, and Wolverhampton Domestic Violence Forum.